I heard this not long ago, and I wanted you to remember it, keep it in your mind and meditate often on this thought. Things that are good for you, will often be hard.
Being angry it is easy, but it is wrong - having self control is hard, but it is right and good for you!
Being proud it is easy, but it is wrong - Being humble it is hard but it is good.
Procrastinate it is easy, but it is bad - Keeping busy, it is hard, but it is good.
Ignorance is easy, and bad - Studying is hard and good.
Speak without thinking is easy and foolish - listening is hard and wise.
Being impatient is easy and bad - Being patient is hard and good.
Not keeping your word is easy and bad - Keep your word is hard and good.
Not finish what you started is easy but bad - finishing it, is hard and good.
Having time watching TV or playing videos is easy - studying God's Word is hard and good.
Walking by the poor and do nothing is easy and bad - helping them is hard and good!
Doing nothing is easy.... and bad. - Doing things is hard and good.
Hate is easy and bad - loving when you do not feel like it is hard and good.
Keep mad is easy and bad - forgive is hard and good.
Blame others is easy and bad - Repent is hard and good.
What are you doing today?