Monday, November 5, 2012

On our Merciful God

O to look to please God and not men! seems so hard for men, specially young. I encourage you my beloved, to seek wisdom and often look at Him who is our standard of perfection, of that which is required of us. It should be an overwhelming thought to be compared to Christ. Nothing less. Yet.... Christ our standard, became our substitute. God's righteous wrath, was satisfied in Him. And His perfect life, accredited as ours! O precious Saviour! Look not to the standards of the world to feel better about yourself, look not to the things that you do well to gain glory for yourself, but look at Christ! His life and His death, His resurrection and His acceptance. Look at the merciful God, who does not look down on you and treat you as your sins deserve, but look at the Sovereign Lord who does as He pleases, whose will cannot be frustrated, whose decrees cannot be resisted; look at the Lord who is supreme over all things; the merciful King, and Just Lord. Look at Him who delights in showing mercy, to Him who says "come" to those who are heavy laden, to those whose sins are overwhelming, He says "come, and I will give you rest". Look at that righteous God with Jesus at His right hand as you will see one day face to face, and be called by name: he is mine!

O that precious blood, to be covered by it, is the gift of gifts! Lose not sight of the grace that saved you. Be reminded often of His blood, His sacrifice, His goodness and His love. See and taste how good God is! if you do, you will love to meet with Him, you will love to be at His feet one minute than thousands else where. You can never hear too much of His grace. Be never tired of studying, learning and hearing His word preached. It is food to your soul and a balm to the wounded heart.

Teach your heart the gospel, do not let your heart teach you its ways it will try to deceive you. The battle for your affections is a constant war, and the enemy will not rest. But rest assured, that Christ, who conquered death, is more desirable than any wordily thing the world may offer. Once you know Him, and His great mercy, you cannot be cold in your affections towards the One who saved you for a long time. That love will burn inside you and be evident in your walk.

Resolve it in your heart to know Him more.