Monday, July 12, 2010

On losing all for Christ

What is there to loose? Following Christ is to win. If there is anything at all you are afraid to lose, anything that you cling to that makes you happy, if there is anything at all that you treasure so much, if there are any friendships that you desire that you know are not good friends to have, if there is anything at all you are afraid to lose if you follow Christ; then I tell you that for Christ's sake, you will suffer no loss but the loss of that which robbed you of the sweetest, happiest, holiest blessing you can ever taste.

When you taste the beauty and friuts of His garden, and when you know the Friend that is always listening; then you will see that the things you cling to, were rubbish before Christ. You will want nothing to do with these old wants. And will long to live one day with Him and nothing more.

I cannot tell you enough, how much greatest is to have Christ than to have the whole world. Listen to people who have had it all. Take Salomon's advice!. He was the richest and wisest, had all his heart desired... and at the end of it... what did he say?...all is vanity. Nothing was worth it, nothing was enough. Because only Christ is enough!

Pray often, pray to God to free you from all that is robbing space in your heart and mind from the things that you were created for : To glorify God and enjoy Him forever!. Until then, you will keep longing and getting distracted by the vanities of this world.

Losing it all is not losing at all, but gaining it All!


Annie said...

Gracias Ali! Te amo mucho!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your prayer, love you-Seby