I once read this and was of great encouragement. May this be to you too:
Every professing Christian is the soldier of Christ. He is bound by his baptism to fight Christ's battle against sin, the world and the devil. The man that does not do this breaks his vow. The man that does not do this, is not living his life as a Christian. You pray in the mornings as you start your day, you have family worship, you go to church, and all that is very good, but ask yourself: How is my battle going? Are you overcoming the love of the world and the fear of man? Are you overcoming the passions, tempers and lusts of your own heart? Are you resisting the devil and making him flee from you? You must either win, or serve sin and the devil and the world. There is no middle course. You must either conquer or be lost. (Ryle)
I know that this battle will be hard, but do not give up. I have to fight that battle every day too. Do not get tired, but persevere until the end. A few more summers, a few more winters, a few more years and this fighting will end and how you finish the race set before you, will leave behind a great legacy for those following behind. There is no short cut. You must go through the way of the cross, the way of fighting against sin every day. Sin, must be mortified, resisted and overcome!. Just remember those difficult tasks that by persevering you have conquered, and the great feeling you had afterward. The reward in heaven will be great for those who persevere. I know I will be praying for you.
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