This is a hard one to live up to, because faith is a gift from God. I can teach you to love and trust God but only God can give you love for Him and give you faith. But we are asked to believe. So practice to believe in the promises of God rather that in the things that you can see. The treasures in heaven are much better than the treasures on this world. Praising the invincible God is much better than praising and loving the things that you can see. Prefer God than the world. Do not forget the time that we are here on earth, is nothing compared to eternity. The things of this world that you can see and touch which we tend to treasure so much and love, and fight for, are going to burn one day, but the things that are invisible, those are the ones that will last. Those are the ones that will be far better than any toy you could get here on earth, than any Starwars movie, than any Lego toy, than any Ferrary, than any sports event or hockey player. Far better than any treasure, far better than any friendship, than any look, than any fame or glory.. That is what I advice you lo live by. By the faith on the promises made by God. Believe Him.
If you believe Him, you will choose wisely. It will make your decisions easier. Because you will choose for eternity. Where you'll live, the church you'll attend, whom to marry, the job you'll get, the friends you choose,... and when people asks you about your faith, you will know what to say, because you have always lived your life that way.
And do not forget. You have a great blessing to live your life in a way that when you grow up, you can say: I do not remember a day when I did not love God.
Ask God to seal the words He has taught you in your heart, that you may treasure them and believe in Him, not just when things go well, but when things get hard, when unbelief tries to take over, ask God to help your unbelief.
1 comment:
Ephesians 2: 8b-9
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