PRAYER is the very life-breath of true religion. Never say : I'm too busy to pray, but instead, I'm too busy to read, watch TV, eat... because I was praying. Prayer is the mark of a true Christian. Private prayer. I do not think there is true religion or a true Christian without private prayer. Pray so often, that when you grow up, you can remember where you knelt, and the prayers you prayed in secret and that God answered. What a privilege you have to be thaught at such a young age to pray to your Lord.
Show me a growing Christian, a great Christian, and I am sure, he is one that speaks often with his Lord. He asks much, and he has much. He tells Jesus everything, and so he always knows how to act. (J.C. Ryle)
Do not be deceive as to think that bringing your body to church every Sunday, will make you a Christian and will prepare you to meet your God. All that is in vain if there is no private prayer.
Persevere in the habit of prayer!. If you will have one habit in life, make it, the habit of prayer!, it is a privilege that not all people have to be able to come to the house of the Lord and speak to Him as a father, with all love and reverence, without fear but with confidence.
Do not get into the habit of making excuses for not praying.. for as long as you have a tongue, you can pray. If you have time to sleep, you have time to pray, if you have time to eat, you have time to pray.
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