Do not be afraid on taking holy habits. It is a matter of keepig promises. When someone gets maried, gets involved in "holy habits" that he or she are to keep. The same is with God. Never be afraid of having them and keeping them. Holy habits that involve your character, conduct, principles, but also in keeping the Lord's Day. People will say to you that is not good to be religious, and that is true, but they are so afraid of NOT be religious that they cannot commit to "holy habits". Religion without works is in vane, just as works with no religion.

You are to think of the Lord every day in all you do... but there is something special in keeping one day for God alone. A day where you can say: The movie that I want to watch, I can watch the rest of the week, but today, is the Lord's Day!; one day you'll have to decide that the lenght of your lawn is less important than to spend time with God and go to church; that the shopping that you want to do, is less important than to go to church. There are many holy habits that you will be faced with as you get older. Holy habits are not only keeping the Lord's Day, but also keeping those holy habits in your prayer time... having the habit of reading your Bible in the morning and praying before you start your day, is a good habit to have now and as you get older.
Holy habits of family devotions are habits worth keeping also... honor those times set apart for God. You'll grow up and those holy habits that you embrace today, will be a blessing for you as you grow up.
Holy habits are not religios habits as long as you live your life for Christ. If you focus on the habits as your hope they are in vain. Holy habits, MUST be holding the hand of HOPE IN CHRIST!
We do not do any good things to go to heaven... we do good things BECAUSE we are going to heaven. Those hoy habits, must reflect your love for Christ and make it clear in your heart and mind that your hope is in Him alone!
Treasure them and keep them.