Wednesday, March 10, 2010

On works

You may think, what encouragement there is for every honest, and true hearted believer. To you, Jesus says, 'I know your works'. You may see no beauty in any action you do. All seems imperfect, and full of sin. You are often sick at your short comings. But Jesus see some beauty in everything that you do from a conscientious desire to please Him. His eye can discern excellence in the little things you do because of the fruit from His own Spirit. He can pick out the grains of gold from your actions, and sift the wheat from the chaff in all you do. Your tears are all put into His bottle. Your efforts to do good to others, however feeble they may be, your tears, are written in His book of remembrance. The least cup of cold water that you give someone in His Name will not lose its reward. He does not forget your work and labour of love, however little the world may think of it.

Jesus loves to honour the work of His Spirit in His people, and to pass over their frailties. He notices on the faith of Rahab, but not on her lie. And as a father finds pleasure in the little acts of His children, which strangers don't even notice them.

It might seem impossible to think, that you can do something worth naming in the great day of the Lord when the Lord says: I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. He knows your works, they should humble you, to know that He knows what you do in secret! -J.C Ryle


1 comment:

Emily Murphy said...

What a neat idea! A treasure that cannot be priced. Thank you for your encouragement.