When you sin, how much does it hurt?, how much does it bother you? Are you in such pain after your sin that your heart is so heavy and sad, that a simple "sorry" does not seem enough? Be careful to not get in the habit of sinning and taking for granted the forgiveness and thinking that a simple sorry will do. Make sure that you understand the price that was paid and the suffering that was needed to frgive your sins.
When we sin, is like saying: "He did no suffer enough", so we push harder that crown of thorns on Jesus's head, or take one more turn with the whip!
It should hurt you so much, it should make you cry when you sin and ask for His precious forgiveness, treasuring His suffering and living a life that says: "You suffered enough!"
It is so easy to sin, and then go to your bedroom and ask for forgiveness, but it really does not hurt you what you did. You know that you would probably do it again if you had the oportunity. You say sorry with your lips to clean your concience. But does it really hurt when you sin? Are you mouning for your sin and begging the Lord to change you?
Ask yourself these questions. Pray to your Lord so that He can help you to feel that pain in your heart. To help you to love what He loves and to hate wht He hates. Go to your knees when you sin and go to the Father who is ready to forgive, who does not get angry easily, but that is patient and merciful.
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