I cannot impress enough into your hearts, that there are years ahead of you, where your faith will be tested. Now that you are young, is the time gto learn and practice your religion. But years of trial come without warning, so listen to my warning and be wise. Years so dreaded by many parents where kids that proffessed being Christians as kids leave everything behind, exchanging the Truth of God for the lie of the world, that promises great happiness and encourages everyone to follow the desires of their hearts, the passions and lusts to forget the faith they were taught when young. Those years could be very special instead. Those years are great if you are wise and are true to your God. The only way you will defeat lust, is by reading sound doctrine, the only way you will oersevere, is by keeping on our knees. Do not forget the instructions we have given you all these years. The time is coming, where you can put into practice what you were taught and resist temptation and pray earnestly for your soul. You can blame it on hormones like most kids and parents will, or on the natural process of seeking who you really are, on growing up, but the truth of what you beleive, will be shown in those years. The hormones will hit, you'll be changing physically and emotionally, we are learning with you to be parents... but the truth in your heart should not change. Treasure it and protect it with all your heart. Rest in God and He will give you the strenght you'll need as you seek your independance and your self worth in Him. In His sacrifice, in His life and the assurance that you belong to Him because He bought you with his own blood!
Be different!, Seek the Lord while He may be found and do not give your heart to the world.. it is NOT worth the loss of your soul for a few hours of pleasure. Beleive Jesus Christ and His promises, the lies of the world may look like honey for a while but they will rot and when the pleasure is gone, they will leave behind nothing but a life with no hope.
I'll be praying for you, for those years that are ahead of you, for every decision that you'll be taking. I'll be praying for you. You are not alone. Many godly men and women have gone through those years and come out victoriously. Be one of them!, so that other generations behind you, may see how Jesus Christ sustained you and so He will sustain them too.
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