Most parents would love for their children to have a good life, a safe life, a life full of joys and a very prosperous life in all areas. And all these are good things, natural things to want for our children. These are all but temporal. But if you ask a God fearing father or mother what they really really hope for their children, the answer is with no doubt, for a broken heart, for them to know the Lord, to love Him and be loved by Him.
Oh, that you pray for a broken heart constantly! That you may not justify it in your heart that because you are a Christian, they your sins are forgiven. And again, as this is true also, you need to seek Him and ask earnestly to see your sin before a holy God, to see the cross and cling to it. To mourn over your sin understanding that it was your sin that caused Jesus to die and to not just love the preaching or the churches or the Christians, but that you may LOVE HIM with all your heart , mind and soul. Love Him because God's wrath was poured over Jesus instead of you... What a precious love!
May your sin be not just crucified in Christ but mortified every day as well. Ask Him who hears, ask Him and beg for a perpetual broken-heartedness, that you may always cling to the cross. It is there, that you will find His love. It is in your brokenness, that you will know Him. It is in your understanding on how little you are before Him, that your thoughts of Him will be higher. His power will be evident in your need and His grace in your sin.
O for a broken heart for you I pray! That you may know Him in His fullness! That everything you do is dependant on Him, because you know that nothing you can do on your own if He is not right there with you. A broken hearted Christian acknowledges Him in all his ways, because recognizes who is able to do all things in a way that has eternal value.
Ask the Lord for a broken heart, sensitive to the Spirit, a heart sensitive to sin, one that pleads easy and rejoices greatly.
A broken heart that goes often to the Lord; a broken heart where humbleness is his clothing; a broken heart that rejoices in the cross; a broken heart that begs for the lost; a broken heart that sees his accomplishments as nothing but the work of the Lord in him. O, for a broken heart I pray!
A man with a broken heart knows His Savior more, because he has the need to go and meet with his Lord so often.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
On Secret Prayer
Listen carefully.
Do you Pray? Do you work at this holy habit? Do you go into your room, close the door and talk to your Father who hears in secret? ... Every day?
Only you know, only your Father knows.

Praying secretly will be of great assurance in your salvation, since you will know, that when no one knows that you are seeking Him, you are.
You will grow in wisdom when you are in your room alone with God.
Prayer will weaken your flesh, will make you needy of Christ understanding more your sin, and the beauty of His love.
The accuser (Satan) will be silent against you.. because you will confess your sins before the Lord, therefore, he will have no charge to bring against you.
You will know your Lord and His forgiveness, His comfort and His patience. You will learn to rest on Him alone.
Through prayer your faith will be increased and your mind renewed.
Prayer will teach you to bring your concerns and complaints to the Lord, so it will keep you from sinning.
Through prayer, your desire for holy conversations and holy habits will increase,
It will give you a need for more of Him and less of you in your life.
Secret prayer, needs to be as secret as you can. You do not announce you will go to pray secretly, you do not tell people of your secret time with the Lord. But your secret prayer will be evident in every area of your life.
Secret prayer is a duty of the Christian. Is a sign that you belong to Him. Many can pray in public beautiful prayers, but the most beautiful prayers ever said, were those said in secret. Those that had the best aroma, those that shed the most secret tears. Those where the most intimate confessions happened. Those prayers that bring you very close to the cross. Secret prayer is where the Lord has a special communion with us. Where we seek not the gift, but the Giver. Where we can beg Him and thank Him; where we can cry and laugh; where we can be honest because He knows our heart -we need not to impress Him or make ourselves look good or not too bad- He knows.
So listen carefully, and go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who sees and hears in secret.
Do you pray?
Do you Pray? Do you work at this holy habit? Do you go into your room, close the door and talk to your Father who hears in secret? ... Every day?
Only you know, only your Father knows.
Praying secretly will be of great assurance in your salvation, since you will know, that when no one knows that you are seeking Him, you are.
You will grow in wisdom when you are in your room alone with God.
Prayer will weaken your flesh, will make you needy of Christ understanding more your sin, and the beauty of His love.
The accuser (Satan) will be silent against you.. because you will confess your sins before the Lord, therefore, he will have no charge to bring against you.
You will know your Lord and His forgiveness, His comfort and His patience. You will learn to rest on Him alone.
Through prayer your faith will be increased and your mind renewed.
Prayer will teach you to bring your concerns and complaints to the Lord, so it will keep you from sinning.
Through prayer, your desire for holy conversations and holy habits will increase,
It will give you a need for more of Him and less of you in your life.
Secret prayer, needs to be as secret as you can. You do not announce you will go to pray secretly, you do not tell people of your secret time with the Lord. But your secret prayer will be evident in every area of your life.
Secret prayer is a duty of the Christian. Is a sign that you belong to Him. Many can pray in public beautiful prayers, but the most beautiful prayers ever said, were those said in secret. Those that had the best aroma, those that shed the most secret tears. Those where the most intimate confessions happened. Those prayers that bring you very close to the cross. Secret prayer is where the Lord has a special communion with us. Where we seek not the gift, but the Giver. Where we can beg Him and thank Him; where we can cry and laugh; where we can be honest because He knows our heart -we need not to impress Him or make ourselves look good or not too bad- He knows.
So listen carefully, and go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father who sees and hears in secret.
Do you pray?
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