These words fall lightly on the ears of many persons. They see
no particular beauty in them. But to the man who is alive to his own sinfulness
and deeply sensible of his need of mercy, these words are sweet and precious.
"All sins shall be forgiven." The sins of youth and age--the sins of head, and
hand, and tongue, and imagination--the sins against all God's commandments--the
sins of persecutors, like Saul--the sins of idolaters, like Manasseh--the sins
of open enemies of Christ, like the Jews who crucified Him--the sins of
backsliders from Christ, like Peter--all, all may be forgiven. The blood of
Christ can cleanse all away. The righteousness of Christ can cover all, and hide
all from God's eyes.
The doctrine here laid down is the crown and glory of the
Gospel. The very first thing it proposes to man is free pardon, full
forgiveness, complete remission, without money and without price.
Let us lay hold on this doctrine, if we never
received it before. It is for us. This very day,
if we come to Christ, may be completely forgiven. "Though our sins have been as
scarlet, they shall be white as snow." (Isaiah 1:18.)
Let us cleave firmly to this doctrine, if we have received it
already. We may sometimes feel faint, and unworthy, and cast down. But if we
have really come to Jesus by faith, our sins are fully forgiven. They are cast
behind God's back--blotted out of the book of His remembrance--sunk into the
depths of the sea. Let us believe and not be afraid.
J.C Ryle
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